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Fuck le Pinkwashing

SSMU Flex Space 3480 rue McTavish, room 106, Montreal, QC, Canada

Fighting rising islamophobia & transphobia in Quebec education through solidarity & accomplicity ‘Fuck le Pinkwashing’ is a workshop and community dialogue that seeks to explore how we can collectively resist oft-invoked, consent-manufacturing rhetoric in educational settings which can position Muslim and Queer communities against each other. This discussion takes place in the context of Bill […]

Eviction: Film Screening

3475 rue Peel 3475 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, Canada

with Director Mathilde Capone Since 2010, Parthenais has held within its walls the life of a whole queer community. They are gay, lesbian, trans, and they live together in Centre-Sud in the heart of Montreal, in a triplex that is falling apart. Between the parties that sometimes welcome more than two hundred people until the […]

Drylongso: Film Screening

7080 rue Alexandra, #506 7080 rue Alexandra, #506, Montreal, QC, Canada

Regards Noirs (1998, 1 hour 26 minutes, 4k restoration) A rediscovered treasure of 1990s DIY filmmaking, Cauleen Smith’s Drylongso embeds an incisive look at racial injustice within a lovingly handmade buddy movie/murder mystery/romance. Alarmed by the rate at which the young Black men around her are dying, brash Oakland, California, art student Pica (Toby Smith) attempts […]

Home is Where Public Transit Is

QPIRG-Concordia 2100 rue Guy, #205, Montreal, QC, Canada

Climate Justice Montreal In this workshop, we will discuss how economic, physical and social access to public transit shapes the way we live and defines our home. We will also discuss the role of public transit for unhoused communities and the way it could act as a sanctuary space. For many of us, especially in […]

Understanding and Supporting Sex Workers in our Communities

QPIRG-McGill 3516 Avenue du Parc, Montreal, QC, Canada

This workshop offers an in-depth introduction into various dimensions of the sex industry, the history of the global sex worker rights movement, the laws impacting sex work in Canada and the unique conditions under which sex workers navigate issues of consent, violence and self-determination. Particular attention is paid to the connection between sex worker rights […]

Inappropriate Content: Censorship in Prison Mailrooms

QPIRG-McGill 3516 Avenue du Parc, Montreal, QC, Canada

Hosted by Prisoner Correspondence Project The Prisoner Correspondence Project is a solidarity project for gay, lesbian, transsexual, transgender, gendervariant, two-spirit, intersex, bisexual and queer prisoners in Canada and the United States, linking them with people a part of these same communities outside of prison.  Since its inception, one of the most significant barriers that the […]

Gaza as a Compass for Thinking

SHIFT Concordia LB-145, 1400 rue Maisonneuve, Montreal, Canada

Keynote lecture by Dr. Alia Al-Saji, professor of Philosophy at McGill Gaza as a Compass for Thinking: A decolonial philosophy of debilitation and resistance in colonial duration Seventeen months into the genocide in Gaza, our philosophies remain for the most part either silent or complaisant, seemingly unable to think with a contemporaneous reality that would […]

De-escalation Workshop: Communicating Through Mental Health Crises

QPIRG-McGill 3516 Avenue du Parc, Montreal, QC, Canada

Free workshop by Liz Singh This is an introduction to crisis intervention and de-escalation. In it, we will cover: defining crisis, planning for crisis and crisis de-escalation, de-escalating yourself & basic suicide intervention. This workshop will be given in two parts, totalling 3 hours: a 90 minute online module a second 90-minute in-person workshop where […]

What does homelessness look like in our communities?

QPIRG-McGill 3516 Avenue du Parc, Montreal, QC, Canada

With Lil Borger and Robbie Madsen Society makes a lot of assumptions about what homelessness “looks” like. This 1.5 hour discussion-based workshop centers around community member Robbie Madsen’s life stories, and how wrong these assumptions can be about how homelessness happens, what it looks like, and how it feels. QPIRG-McGill (3516 Av du Parc)