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How to Plan a Research Project

This two-hour long workshop will go over the skills you will need to be successful in research.  Topics will include:   How to solidify your research topic How to find and choose a supervisor, especially if you have a less conventional topic How to apply for funding How to recruit participants How to manage your […]

SELL-OUT: Exploring the Commodification of Asian Cultures through Storytelling

This workshop will consist of an exploration of the ways in which culture is commodified within a Chinese, Indian and Tibetan context. Facilitators will touch upon and offer structure on the following themes: the commodification and appropriation of certain Asian cultures, the negative impacts of this commodification on local communities as well as the legacies […]

Harm Reduction and Drug War Resistance 101

This is an introduction to harm reduction theory and safer drug use under Prohibition. This 105 minute workshop will include a basic history of harm reduction and drug policy in Canada, how to recognize and respond to different kinds of overdose and how to maximize the benefits of the substances you’re using while mitigating the […]


Environmentalism beyond green capitalism

We are told that environmentalism is about buying green, organic products, or using smarter and more efficient technology. This logic has been extended to argue that we can make cruise ships and mansions “green” and that we can save nature and the climate by buying carbon credits. But you can’t buy sustainability. Climate resilience isn’t […]


The Labour Crisis at McGill

As the principal departs the university with a very generous package, those who keep the university running on a daily basis are left to pick up the pieces. This panel explores issues unions and workers are grappling with during the pandemic through the lens of the ongoing labour crisis at McGill. This event is part […]


UnPAC Healing the past now: Building sustainable futures

A 1.5 hr semi-structured online discussion circle on sustainable practice through the lens of culture and ancestry. We will be unpacking how to approach sustainable practice in a way that recognizes our histories as marginalized communities while building towards a future that meets our present needs. Un(pac)k events are intended to be supportive and educational […]


Building Care Into Anti-Violence Advocacy That Sustains Us

This session is a one-hour discussion between three people who are involved in various aspects of the movement against colonial, gender-based, and sexual violence in Canada and beyond. They are excited to share with others about how the work of centering care is integral to all forms of social and environmental justice as care is […]


Embedded: Creating boundaries within interwoven communities

This interactive workshop will be discussing the complex situations that community members often find themselves in when collaborating, working with, and organizing together. How do our personal relationships with each other impact the sustainability of our communities and movements? Together we will define what sustainable community means to us. While we highlight the importance of […]


Supporting prisoners and parolees in their transition as returning citizens

“Every year, thousands of people are released from prisons on parole. In most cases, they return to the same social conditions that led to their criminalization in the first place – or even worse conditions.” For this workshop, we want to focus on sustainability when supporting prisoners and people on parole. We would like to […]
